Chocolate fitness breakfast with sunflower lecithin

FitnessfrΓΌck Schoko Sonnenblumenlecithin

We find our fitness breakfast incredibly delicious, has great nutritional value, keeps you full for a long time and is therefore the ideal breakfast 😊 It provides a large portion of protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, fiber, minerals and vitamins combined in one delicious meal 😎πŸ’ͺ For us, 95% of all anniversaries start this way.

1 Portion hat:
432 kcal - 36gr protein - 35gr carbohydrates - 13gr fat

Ingredients for 1 serving:

=>for the chocolate porridge
25gr oat flakes
15gr crushed linseed
150g low-fat curd
10g baking cocoa
100ml boiling water
1 level teaspoon sunflower lecithin

=> for the white cream
50gr Magerquark
a sip of water

100gr berry mix or other fruit
8gr chocolate shavings

Put the oat flakes and linseed in a bowl, pour the boiled water over them and let them swell for 15 minutes. Now add the lecithin and the low-fat curd and stir until creamy. Then stir in the baking cocoa and, if necessary, a little water until the desired consistency is reached. For the white cream, mix the low-fat curd with a little water and pour it on top. Add fruit and chocolate shavings, done.
This breakfast is also ideal to prepare the evening before.

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